
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

卫生资源和服务管理局授予澳门葡京网赌游戏残疾研究所(IOD) 2美元.4 million grant for Building Futures Together, 一项旨在为医疗保健和学校环境中的98名辅助专业人员提供专门加强的儿童护理协调的计划, 父母受到阿片类药物和其他物质使用障碍影响的青少年及其照顾者. 成本对许多寻求进一步培训的辅助专业人员构成了重大障碍, 补助金允许该项目免费提供,并为参与者提供津贴.

Building Futures Together is pioneered by Joanne Malloy, research associate professor at the IOD, 谁说这个项目会解决那些有行为健康障碍风险的年轻人及其家庭对支持的高度需求.

“迫切需要为儿童提供以社区为基础的护理协调, 受阿片类药物使用和其他物质使用障碍影响的青少年和家庭,” Malloy says. “我们希望这个项目能够解决我们的劳动力短缺问题,同时为一些最脆弱的儿童和青少年提供高质量的支持.”

Nicholas Mian, assistant professor of psychology at UNH Manchester, 担任该项目的联合首席研究员,并支持培训课程的发展. Building Futures Together focuses on intensive, on-the-job training, which Mian says better prepares trainees to provide enhanced care.

“The opioid crisis has had a lasting impact on mental health, 需要训练有素的专业人员来照顾我们州最脆弱的儿童, youth and families has never been higher,” Mian says. “Through hands-on training, the Building Futures Together program develops the specific skills, 为提供者提供知识和能力,以更好地支持这些高需求人群.”

Exploring topics like trauma and toxic stress, peer recovery support, family- and youth-driven care, family systems and addiction, 该方案的课程旨在加强全州学区和社区卫生机构的专业辅助专业人员队伍.

In his proclamation for National Apprenticeship Week, 州长Chris Sununu对“共同建设未来”团队在新罕布什尔州推动学徒制和劳动力发展的努力表示认可.

Visit the Building Futures Together website to learn more.


Kassidy Taylor | Marketing & Communications, UNH Manchester | kassidy.taylor@mogrenlandscape.com